Sat.1 to Cologne - the first departure at ZDF and the change and now has TV-Talker Johannes B. Kerner a problem with one of its affiliates.
The media industry service "new business" reports that Kerner's up his advertising job at Air Berlin. The airline has canceled the allegedly adjourn.
A new campaign with Kerner will not give it the time being, confirmed a spokesman for the Air-Berlin-industry service.
However, Kerner is moderate for the route or selected events. Among other things, the 30-year anniversary of Air Berlin.
Even before the Air-Berlin-advertisement caused a stir. While Kerner and his face for the company's stock - even in the ZDF - advertised, the station warned in TV reports from risky stock purchases.
wants to Sat.1 More Kerner changing: "John more time for the family> Johannes B. Kerner future changes Sat.1> Moderator of the Bundesliga Kerner on the net? >